International Day of Peace

Shanti or peace is inherent in all living beings, yet unfortunately, there are still far too many people and places in the world that act contrary to this truth due to their egos. Instead we should strive to battle our own inner demons, or our unfinished business, our incompletions, through a scientific and meditative approach; […]

Why we Celebrate Diwali – Festival of Light

Lakshmi Devi is the Goddess of Wealth in the Vedic tradition. She is Miss Universe and the consort of Lord Venkateshwara who resides at the Tirupati Temple in South India. This temple is so rich, even the roof is made of gold! Devotees love giving to this temple because they receive back. Venkateshwara shows himself […]

Hinduism is Real: How I Fed my Ganesha

My beloved Swamiji, HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, spoke during satsangh about the experience of Nithyatva, the 7th dimension of the multiverse on Oct 16, 2019. Nithyatva is the space of eternity, a space where matter to energy (or food into energy) and energy to matter conversion happens at will with no effort, the effortless zone […]