Take Responsibility, Stop Blaming

Who doesn’t hate that ugly index finger pointing at you followed by the words: “You! You! You…!” accompanied by a list of what you are blamed for instead of the blamer taking responsibility. It’s an easier lifestyle to blame others. Then we don’t have to do anything but to watch how everything around us falls […]

Can’t Go Out? Go In!

If for some reason you cannot go out, may it be due to the pandemic, some illness, or some other restriction, use your time wisely. The best way to use your time is to set up a meditation routine and go within. Let me help you to learn mindfulness and meditation practices that can change […]

Raise Yourself by Yourself

Raise yourself by yourself do not defeat yourself by yourself It is the Self that gives respect to the self  and it is the self that deceives the Self BhagavadGita, Dhyana Yoga, 6.5 When you raise yourself, yourself is the greatest friend of yourself; and, when you deceive yourself, yourself is the greatest enemy of […]