What is Truly Necessary? A Guide to Frugal Yogic Living or Aparigraha, Living with Minimal Things

By Ma Udaysree & Yogi LB What truly is necessary is very individual, cultural, and spiritual. In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali we find aparigraha, living with minimal things. It’s not restricting yourself; to the contrary. Living with minimal things creates a great freedom in your life. Think about it for a moment. You practice […]

Aparigraha – Tips to Living a Minimal Lifestyle and Save!

By Ma Udaysree & Yogi LB I decided to live a minimal lifestyle as a yogi and explore how much I could save every month. I haven’t always been this way, and it’s taken years of simplifying and cutting back on little things, one at a time. And while there are definitely many more things […]

Love for Yoga as a Powerful Lifestyle to Manifest Superconsciousness

“Yoga is not just for physical fitness and mental peace alone, Yoga is for manifesting the state, space, powers, being, and superconsciousness of Paramashiva.” – SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam WHAT IS YOGA? Yoga is a wholistic system for body, mind, and consciousness based in Hinduism. It is a sacred and scientific system to prepare […]

Video: The Secret to Padmasana for Seniors

Getting into padmasana can be a challenge at first but to take it even further, you can get into full padmasana without touching the legs. I recorded two videos, one while on my yoga mat and the other while seated on a chair. You can see the pose is easier on the mat but try […]

Is there a Yogic Aid to Digestion?

In general we can say sattvic food is easy to digest. For some people lentil and bean dishes may create a problem with gas. To avoid or minimize this, asafetida (hink) is added during the cooking process to aid in digestion. Another way is the yogic way. If you like the relaxing and calming way […]

Yoga Therapy and Mental Health

Yoga therapy for mental health… Mental health starts with knowing how the mind works. Once this is properly understood from an enlightened perspective (not from another unenlightened understanding) it becomes a fairly easy task everyone can handle once they are willing to embark on a journey of inner transformation. Unfortunately most of us are stricken […]